Home Polityka prywatności
We present you beautiful wooden house beds for your children. The house bed is made of high-quality pine wood. House beds and Classic beds are very solid and durable. Folding is very easy thanks to the clear instructions. The offer also includes beds with railings for children. We also ship house beds to countries such as: Germany, France, Belgium and the United Kingdom. Our beds enjoy an excellent reputation among European customers.

Privacy policy

Data protection

1. Administrator of personal data

In accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EU) on data protection (GDPR), the administrator of your personal data is RESTWOOD JEZIORSKI SP.K. with its registered office in Ruda Śląska, at the address 41-711 Ruda Śląska ul. Pionierów 22. Contact with the administrator of personal data: sell@restwood.pl

2. Purposes of Processing

The administrator processes your personal data for the following purposes:

     conclusion and execution of the contract,

     Fulfillment of obligations arising from legal regulations that are imposed on the administrator, in particular in the area of accounting, invoicing and accounting documents, responding to complaints and ensuring network security in accordance with applicable regulations (legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 letter c GDPR – legal obligation),

     marketing communications to improve services,

     Establishment and assertion of any claims or defense of such claims by the Administrator (legal basis: Art. 6 Para. 1 Letter f GDPR - legitimate interest of the Administrator),

     Analysis and statistical purposes – conducting analyzes of users’ web and app activity and account usage and preferences in order to improve functionality (legal basis: Article 6(1)(f) GDPR – legitimate interest of the Administrator),

     internal administration, in particular internal reporting (legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 letter f GDPR - justified interest of the administrator).

3. When registering in the online shop, the customer voluntarily agrees to the processing of personal data and retains his right to inspection, authorization and deletion from the database.

4. Personal data of customers and their e-mail addresses are not provided to third parties, except for companies that mediate in payment transactions, for which these data are indispensable for making payments, and suppliers, for whom these data are necessary for the purpose of delivering the shipment.

3. During the visit to the website of the online store, cookie files are stored that store information related to the use of the online store, as well as persistent cookies, which are stored in the memory of the device for browsing the website for a certain time in its parameters or until manually deleted by the user, collected automatically.

4. With regard to cookie files, the user can give consent to the use of cookie files through the browser settings. The user opts out of cookies by selecting the appropriate setting in the browser. These settings can be changed in such a way as to block the automatic condition of "cookie" files in the browser settings or to notify about their respective transmission to the user's device. Detailed information about the possibilities and methods of handling cookie files is available in the browser settings. It should not be forgotten that if you delete or limit the use of cookies, the use of some functionalities of the online store website will become more difficult or impossible.

5. The use of some options of the service, e.g. purchase history, is possible after completing the registration. Registration is voluntary and is not required to place an order. During registration, the customer is asked to provide their first and last name, email address, and the chosen login and password. The registration activities are carried out once, the next order is made based on the customer logging into the online shop by providing the login and password.

6. The login and password are confidential. The customer is liable for damage resulting from their disclosure to third parties. The customer who uses the login and password is obliged to update the data specified during registration whenever it changes. The customer is liable for their lack of updating.

7. Customers who are not registered can also place orders, with each purchase they are asked to provide their first and last name, delivery address, telephone number and e-mail.

8. The data collected during registration or purchases are used for proper order processing, as well as tracking the order status and first name changes at the customer's request before the order is sent. Customers retain the right to inspect, correct or delete their data from the address database after completing the order in accordance with Articles 32-35 of the Privacy Code. These activities can be performed from the level of the online store website after logging in or by contacting the online store customer service.

9. Any contact with the customer service of the online store through mediationProviding a phone number or e-mail involves using the above data to provide an answer. The consultants will contact the clients using the same communication channels.

10. After placing the order, confirmation of acceptance of the order for implementation and subsequent information about the progress of this order will be sent to the above-mentioned e-mail.
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